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2022年02月28日 14:41:03 No.3949


投稿者 : jarrjakq [URL]

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Nov 16, 2011 BUT every time I try to call a Canadian number I get a "Restriction 56" message and the call won't go through. Any idea on how I can make this.... Call thousands of destinations around the world. Rates as low as 1 per minute! With the $10 Global Calling Card you can call destinations not included with.... May 16, 2014 What Does Check Call Restrictions 56 Mean. The person who posted this question about Tracfone did not include a detailed explanation. 877e942ab0 jarrjakq

Means your phone is not allowed to make that particular call. source: My tracfone says "check call restrictions-34" when i try to make a call .what does that.... Apr 27, 2016 Restriction 56. Post by phydx2 Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:45 pm. I've got an activated phone with plenty of air time and well within its service period. I've got.... Answered Unanswered. Could not connect to mysql.

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